How To Guess That A Cell Represents A Total (or A Subtotal)

отредактировано 08:59 Раздел: FastCube
Bonjour à tous !

I'm evaluating FastCube
and trying to guess how to recognize a total
(or subtotal) cell.

In the formula editor for a calculated measure,
I did something like the following :

n : integer ;

Measures.PrepareDetailInfo ;
n := Measures.RecordCount ;
if ( n = 1 ) then // the cell is "probably" a total if any


As expected, it takes a while because of "Measures.PrepareDetailInfo" !!!
Could you please teach me a better solution ?

Thank you.


PS. I can read Russian


  • отредактировано 08:59
    Excuse for a delay with the answer.

    I will add this property in script in next update.

    Now You can test Dimensions.Items[ADimensionIndex].Caption for string 'Total'.

  • отредактировано 08:59
    написал: »
    Excuse for a delay with the answer.

    I will add this property in script in next update.

    Now You can test Dimensions.Items[ADimensionIndex].Caption for string 'Total'.


    Thank you very much

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